Tuesday, 26 August 2014

correct use of search engine

 First you will need to open Internet Explorer then enter www.google.com in the address bar. Here is what www.google.com looks like:

Every phrase in either bue with an underline may be clicked on to visit that particular site. These are hyperlinks to websites. The websites deemed most fitting for the search are found at the near the top of the list. There are also paid sponsors found at the top (shaded) and to the right of the screen that you may visit if you wish. You can see actual web addresses in green text.

To conduct the search, point and click your mouse in the search textbox. Type in the textbox the words or words you would like to search. Then point and click your mouse on the Google Search button below the search textbox.
Google Search Box

 According to ABOUT TECNOLOGY,

Search engines are some of the most useful tools on the planet, but what if you're not sure how to use them? There's a lot more to these amazing tools than what you might think. Here are six in-depth tutorials that have been featured here at About Web Search; these are the ones that you need to read in order to know how search engines really work, how you can make them find what you're looking for, and best of all, how you can find anything, no matter how complicated.

  • Do search engines search the entire Web?: When you're using a search engine to scour the Web for something, are you really looking everything that has ever been placed on the Internet, or just a portion? In other words, how do you really know what your search query is really bringing back to you? One thing you can know for certain is that what you're looking at when you get your search results is just a tiny portion of the actual Web - which makes using several different search engines a much better idea. Clear as mud? Read the article and it will become much clearer, I promise.
  • How to find a website: Search engines make it easy for you to find what you're looking for, in some ways. However, there are times when search engines just can't find what it is that you're looking for, no matter how you frame your query. Here's a few other methods you can try.
  • How to pick a search engine: There's no set rule in place that says you have to use the same search engine every time you look for something. In fact, most search industry experts would advise you to do the exact opposite in order to get the most well-rounded results. Every search engine serves up different results, sometimes drastically so.

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